Week 61 New Companion

Elder Hubbard and Elder Thacker

Querido familia mia :) 
Como estan? :)
I'm doing well! i feel sad about grandma....but know that she is with grandpa, and that he has waited a very long time for her :) and so it will have been a joyful joyous reunion!! I love Grandma! Everyone loves Grandma!! Let me know about the funeral :)
This past week was good... It's been difficult to adjust to a new comp but I'm sure I'll come around... I think I'm the problem right now... but it's hard to change comps, especially after elder killpack. we grew to be really close friends, and we were so fluent in how to teach together and now it's been a struggle... but I'm taking it as a sign that I need to humble myself, and accept this missionary as my comp :) he's a really good guy, and I am going to learn alot from him! He's different but different is good!! it'll be good to have a change! 

The other day we were contacting and we contacted a hairdresser haha well... her husband and he doesn't really believe a lot in God or religion or anything... but with a last ditch effort my comp asked him if this monday his wife could cut our hair... haha it was funny.. he was kinda taken back, and said just wait here a minute and I'll ask her. and so he went and asked her and when he came back he said that we could come back on monday and get our hair cut. And so today we are going to get our hair cut :) I'm a little worried about how it is going to come out, because the last time that a woman cut my hair it came out kinda ugly... but I guess we'll see what happens. 

we are seeing a lot of new investigators this last week. some that want to progress and others that our having a hard time... but we just have to keep working and the lord will bless us :) 

last night as we were coming home at like 9:20 pm i saw a man with three daughters... but it was getting late and if we kept walking we were going to be able to get to the pension on time, but if we stopped we've been late.... and so.......
I stopped haha I felt to talk to this man briefly before we finished the day :) He told me that he has three daughters and a baby son that had just passed away.... I felt super sad, but I told him that we had found him for a reason and that it wasn't an accident that we crossed paths. he agreed, and we set up an appointment for tuesday :) and we are going to help him know about the plan of salvation, and how being baptized will bless his life :) We are excited for tuesday to roll around so that we can teach him and his wife :) We ran the rest of the way home and got back a minute late... haha I think Heavenly father was pleased that we ran anyways...

My new comp is Elder Thacker :) from idaho haha another one from idaho number 3. I told a member that the other day and she told me that maybe I was meant to go to idaho after the mission... like my destiny or something haha I said probably not... but maybe haha 

The other night our ward had a talent show!!!! It was super cool! There was a lot of members that participated, and even one my recent converts :) the little girl morena danced! She dances flamenco :) She wore a cute flowery dress and danced haha and then We weren't planning on being part of the program, but a member signed me up to play the guitar haha and so I played real quick and then we had to leave to go back to pension before 9:30 haha the bishop and his wife sang a song together and the bishop played his guitar! someone told jokes and another played the cello :) There is a lot of talent here!!

The mission is flying, and I am starting my third transfer in centenario :) it's crazy to think about time and I don't like to do it... but after this one I only have 5 more transfers... I have to take advantage of every second, and I think elder thacker is going to be a big help in this goal of mine :) Personalities are different, but the work ethic is compatible, and so it'll work well after we get used to one another :) 

Our goal as a mission is 70 baptisms for the month of july, which means one per companionship :) because we only have 140 missionaries in the mission right now. when I got here we had about 190... but I'm sure the numbers will go back up soon in september or so! 

But that is our goal for right now! to help each companionship be able to baptize at least one soul for Christ this month, and I love the goal! As a mission we are trying to help every companionship baptize every week! or in other wards 4 baptisms every month, and there are companionships that are doing it, but there are companionships that get stressed sometimes because they feel pressure for this goal... but I love the goal for july, that every single pair of missionaries is going to be able to bring one soul to salvation!!! 

The gospel of jesus Christ is true. I know it. Because I have learned to live it. And everyday I learn a little bit more, and am eternally grateful for this time that I have to be a servant of the lord in this celestial cause. I know my savior lives, and loves us too. He is my savior, and redeemer and my rock, and the arms to lift me up and to keep me steady when weary. He never fails or leads me astray, and I always want to obey. He is the way the truth and the light, and thanks to his loving atoning sacrifice, his death and glorious resurrection we all can participate in the work of salvation. 
I testify that God and Jesus Christ live. That they are watching over us through their living prophet today on this earth, President Russell M. Nelson.

Alma 26:11-13
Efesians 4:11-13

I love you all and desire the best for this coming week!! 


Love alway
-Elder Hubbard 


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