Week 27 Roldan Argentina

Hola mi querido familia :) 
Gracias por todas sus cartas, amor, y apoyo! Siento muy bien ahora y estoy animado para trabajar mas y mas!! 

This last week was very spiritual! It had it`s ups and downs, but it ended really good!! Por suerte :) 

We started off the week, by having our district meeting! It was my turn to conduct the meeting because Elder Gutierrez thinks I`m going to be the district leader in the next transfer haha He thinks that he is going to leave and I`m going to train a new missionary.... hahah We`ll see what happens in 3 weeks... Pero bueno :)

The meeting went really well! We talked and learned about how we can plan and organize our time better!! sometimes it`s kinda boring, but I`ve changed my attitude about planning and realize that If we don`t use our time wisely in the mission or in our normal lives, it is hard to be led by the spirit, we can`t progress at the speed that we want. We need to be dilligent and be organized!!!! Hahaha 

At the end of the meeting one of the sister missionaries asked us if we could give her a blessing of comfort... but it was funny because she is new, and my companion was getting to give her the blessing and she stopped him and asked  us if we could give it to her in english.... Hahaha my poor companion... He felt hurt that she didn`t want to recieve the blessing in spanish haha She told us that she wanted understand all the words... which is ironic because my english is terrible haha but I had a cool experience with this!

Right before I gave her the blessing, I couldn`t for the life of me remember the words to start a blessing in english... I panicked alittle bit haha I thought about it for like a minute or two, and nothing was coming to me... I was like " How do I start a blessing in english..." Anyways, I prayed in my mind that I would be able to do it. When I started the blessing, I still had no idea... But as soon as I opened my mouth the words flew right out natural and fluid. It was a blessing for me! I know that when we are valient and open our mouths, The spirit of the lords can helps us remember and put the words into our speach :) I felt the spirit really strong and so did my companion! haha our next language study he tld me that he wanted to learn how to say the blessings in english haha so now we are learning together! It`s pretty cool, he can now do the consecrating of the oil in english. 

On thursday we had our zone confrence in rosario at 8 in the morning, entonces, we woke uo at like 5:30 in the morning, and got ready and caught the bus in a raging torment of rain haha it was terrible the rain haha I really don`t like it... haha but there is oposition in all things... And it`s a blessing :) 

The confrence was really good, I learned alot alot alot!!! We started the conference and Elder Vance one of the assistents asked me to give the spiritual thought found in the white bible ( Manual misional) I shared about our bienestar fisico y espiritual and how the aspects of our lives both spiritual and temporal reflect our spiritual power, an example that I used was our apartments... and how if they aren`t clean, then the spirit cannot be there, and that it`s a reflection our spiritual power. Shared how we need to be organized in all aspects of our lives, but if we can`t even do the small things like making our beds in the morning, we won`t have the spiritual power to do the hard things... 

The next speaker was sister Allred, and she thanked me for my spiritual thought haha because it was exactley what she was going to talk to us about... I felt bad that I kinda stole part of her talk, but it was alright in the end..  

The assistents gave a talk about our daily schedule, and how we need to use the times of day most effectively to find new people to teach. 

after them me and my companion were used as an example of how we could use a calendar to baptize every week. We made an example out of cardstock and stuff like that haha I felt like we were scrapbooking to be honest but anyways haha 
The presentation went well, and everyone got the picture!! 

Presidente talked to us about the importance of the  first impression that people have with us, when we teach the first vision lesson etc. I learned alot in this confrence, We talked about alot of little things that are going to make a world of difference in our areas and companionships!

To finish the confrence, presidente had all of the missionaries that are going to finish the mission this month to come up to the front to bear their testimony to us. This was one of my favorite parts!! 
We are losing 29 missionaries at the end of the month, and we had 13 in our confrence who bore their testimonies. The spirit was super strong as they spoke!! 

It was kinda sad because my trainer goes home at the end of this month, and Elder Vance... both of them have helped me alot become the missionary that I am right now! I really payed attention their testimonies and I learned alot :) 

To finish the semana off we had 4 investigators in the church on sunday!!!!!!! 
The secret: PANCAKES!!!!! haha we have this family that we have been teaching for a while, and they haven`t been to church so far, and they told us when we first met them that they weren`t going to attend haha and we said "Yet :)" We showed up at their house at /:45 in the morning to take them to church haha and we brought pancakes!!! 

Long story short.... They liked the pancakes.... And came to church!!!! And the best part is that they told us that they recieved their answer to whether the church is true or not!!!!! YES!!!!! we are going to talk about their baptisms this week!!!!! It was the perfect way to end the week!! 4 new investigaters in the church to partake of the sacrament and to feel the spirit!!!! I now have a testimony really strong of how food can touch the hearts of people, and help them act!!!

The 18th of this month we are going to  have a different baptism for a boy that is 10, to complete the family that was less active, The father is going to baptize his son!!! 

We are being blessed by the lord here in Roldan... And it`s because we are trying to work in the way the he wants us too! We are being obedient and are seeing miracles in our missions!!! I am Happy :) 
I have been struggling mentally a little bit, but I am recieving help from the lord everyday!! He loves me and has been helping me focus and be obedient!

I love this opportunity that I have to serve a mission... I`m so greatful to be here. And I know without My Savior Jesus Christ that it wouldn`t be possible! I am eternally grateful for his sacrifice and love.

All of you are soooo great!! God Loves you all so much and want`s to bless you in all aspects of you life! Be obedient, and you`ll be happy!!! 

I love you guys too!!! :) 
Have a great week!!

Mosiah 2:41
doctrine and covenants 88:118 

Elder Hubbard



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