Week 86 Happy New Year!

Hey familia!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! 
It sounds like it was a very merry and memorable Christmas!! I'm Glad it was soo special for everyone :) Thank you all so much for your letters and the package. The best part of Christmas was getting to talk to you guys, and feeling peace in my life as I serve the people here. You all look so great and happy too! It made me happy to see you all, and only a little homesick... haha I say that because i'd be lying if I said otherwise. Like president Allred says. "It's okay to miss your family" we're human, I'd be worried if I didn't miss you guys just a little. It was great to see you guys and see how you've all grown in so many ways. All the good ways ;)

It was a very quiet Christmas here for the most part. there wasn't very many fireworks this year or noise, like there was last year, but it's like the whole city felt the peace of The Birth Of Christ.. it was super special. When we went to eat dinner with the Escobar family we ate a lot of good food!! Empenadas, Enselada Rusa, And something called Marinera, which is basically a chicken fried steak with pako, like they use in Fusion to deep fry the sushi... Sooo good!! Ah I want to go to fusion when I finish haha... but there are 9 more weeks to go!!
This week with our teaching went well :) This area is definitely different than pergamino... I'm still adjusting to the area. It's a little bit more dangerous and so I feel like i watch my back a little more, and the people are a little tougher... but all things considered, there is a lot of work to do!! WE had 2 investigatores come to church yesterday names: Alejandro and Roberto, it's their second time coming since I've been here! All the members were really welcoming and drove them home even at the end of the meeting. Roberto has a baptismal date for the 20th of January and is progressing well. When I was on splits the other ay with another new missionary we taught him the word of wisdom, and when we asked him if he had any problems with the five things that we shouldn't consume he said "Yeah... I drink coffee and alcohol" And we said "ok" An then there was a pause... And then he looked up to us and said "I'm almost 80... (He's 79) I'm gonna get rid of these habits, and it's gonna do me some good!"  haha it was music to our ears, he's really progressing I'm really excited to see what this new year brings to all of us here in Rosario and all of you back home! I know that the lords guides my footsteps and he is aware of each of us. He knows who is prepared to hear and accept his Gospel. He know them by name, and where they live. Baptism is the gate to enter into the path. everything we do after that determines whether or not we will stay on this path. We are not perfect. But we don't have to be... It's all part of the plan. Repentance isn't the back up plan when we fall. It has been the plan all along the way. I love you all. I love my savior Jesus Christ, and know that he Lives. 
I wish you all a very merry new year! Don't forget to put a few goals down how you can all accomplish one wish or desire for 2019, and don't forget to consult with the Lord to know what  it is that he might have us accomplish this year in his service and kingdom, and then set a goal to just do it I leave you with my testimony that there are changes to be made in every single one of us. Everyday there is something different, but that's what makes the journey enjoyable. It's so worth enjoying, when we have such a hope and knowledge of God's plan for us. 
I know it's true. there is not one doubt in my being, I've changed on the mission. My Savior loves me, I know it and don't doubt it. He lives, and because he lives, we too will live.
Have a great week!! I love you all!
Elder Hubbard
P.S Have fun on the slopes tomorrow.. you'll have to let me know if you hit any sweet jumps haha And hope that you get at least three feet of air in that time ;)


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