Week 83 Elder Hubbard Singing!


Well, Thanks you all so much for your letters and pictures!! I'm glad that the trip to Vernon was a nice one, even if it was for a funeral... I was emotional watching the video of dad and his siblings... I could feel the love that they all have for each other and for Grampa. I hope we as a family can become closer and not part even more... Because we need to be even more supportive,  loving and compassionate in these times... but we should make it a habit to not let too much time pass to get together. family is so important. I hope you all know that I love you guys soo much, and am praying for all of you. 

This week was a different week for me... Struggled a bunch in a lot of areas... but I'm feeling better now. 
President called me and we were able to talk for a little while on tuesday after a hard day and a half after the news. But anyways I don't want to dwell on it anymore, because we know that he is with Gramma :) 

This week we were able to see lots of miracles and tender mercies... Yesterday at church I had tears in my eyes the whole meeting and going into gospel principles class too... Because it was fast and testimony meeting, and the our ward had just gotten back from  the temple in buenos aires (Good Airs) And the Family that was baptized when Elder Killpack was with me was able to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The family of Leandro and Veronica, Morena, And Gonzalo. Gonzalo didn't go, because he hasn't been attending church very often... That makes me sad but the rest of his family went and had such a great experience!! Veronica went up to the pulpit to give her testimony and she didn't really know what to say but she was overcome with emotions and started to cry and say how grateful she is for having been baptized and for following her savior. She told the story about when we found them for the first time haha I laughed and then started crying... she said that the first 4 times she didn't let us in... but then when we finally in their house she didn't want us to leave haha but she had a great experience in the temple and was emotional the whole  meeting. Then while she was at the pulpit told her husband to come up too after her to give his testimony haha she said in spanish "Animáte Leo.." which is like hey get animated to come up here haha 

She finished, and then when she got back to her seat he started getting up haha I smiled at him and he went all red haha when he got to the pulpit he said that he was a very shy person to speak in public but that he felt the spirit tell him that he needed to go up and share his testimony... And this is where I lost it.... He having been baptized only 5 months ago bore testimony of the work in the temple... and that he was able to be baptized for his father... who had passed away earlier this year... and he said" I know that my father was with me in that moment and accepted the gospel, and that he wanted to endure to the end!" And then after being baptized for his father... he started to baptize the remaining youth in the ward. He received the priesthood about 3 months ago. I felt soo happy for this family and After the meeting we hugged and were crying... It was such a testimony for me, about the importance of this work. and it isn't just baptisms... it's the end in mind, which is the temple. We need to put our focus on the temple in our lives. Leandro said that as soon as they left the temple to come back to pergamino he felt the desire to return to the temple. and said that he will do all that he can to go as many times possible. I want to return to argentina in july or august when they can be sealed for time and all eternity. That will be such a special moment. 

The other tender mercy is that we found a family from Paraguay that wants to be baptized!! Their names are Pablo (Paul) and Luz Marina ( Light Marina) They have two little girls named Mora (Type of Fruit here almost like a blackberry)she's 5  and Ambar (Almost like Amber haha) she's almost 2!! Like Minnie!! haha This next week I'll take a picture with them to show you guys!! They are soo awesome and told us that they loved church and that they want to be baptized! They came yesterday too! They've came twice now, and so now we just have to help them get married and then into the Water haha Their little girls are soo cute haha the one that's five, know my name haha and calls mi "oobird" haha it's how everyone pronounces my name here" And she also thinks that I live in the church because she always says "lets go to oobirds house"haha and she is talking about the chapel. 

But other than that we were able to practise a lot of spiritual discernment and testify of the gospel of Jesus Christ everyday, and that he He Lives! I'm soo grateful for this knowledge. Because knowing that He Lives, we'll know that because he lives that Grampa and gramma also live and will live again! 

The gospel is soo true, the people aren't always.... it's rare but we need to try and not judge and just help everyone be alot better. We had an investigator get upset because of all the hypocrisy... He said he was upset because one of the councilors of the bishopric worked with him for almost 6 years and never invited him to go to church and never even knew that he was a member... he said "Why do you guys have to come from so far away to tell me all of this when one in my own country could do it?... it's sooo selfish of them to not share this gospel..." And then said "I've been learning for a month and have already introduced you guys to every family member that I have... And these people that have been in the church for 50 years haven't invited anyone to church..."  he wasn't exactly correct in saying all of that, but it made me think alot about my life before the mission and how much I shared the thing that makes me most happy and with joy. The gospel. I invite you all to at least bear your testimony, and if not with words, with your examples too. He said "If this church really is true, and it really does bring all of the joy into our lives than we need to share it" He had a lot of good points but I felt like as a non member he doesn't have all the understanding or information to judge, but whatever... it made me kinda angry, but then it made me think about the importance of a pure testimony!!!!! 

If you want to punch satan in the mouth, open yours and testify of the restored gospel of jesus Christ!! The church is True, The book is Blue! I love you!!

Have a great week!!!

Elder Hubbard


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