Week 63

Josh's new companion, Elder Thacker

Dear Family, 

Hey!!! How's it going in Canada Eh? oh right on! haha I missed being canadian for second there... oh gee eh.... Haha It's so weird to type in english haha that's why the words come out in
 a different way of speaking because here the  grammar different it is... haha 

 I'm super Happy!!!!! We are working really hard, and trying to not just be occupied with the work but look for the people that God has prepared for us as his hands here in Argentina. Me and ELder Thacker are getting along better and have passed the first half of the transfer almost and are still alive haha and no one has thrown hands yet, so... we are doing well!!! United in purpose!!!!! haha He is a really good missionary. He is about 5`5 and a quarter haha that's what he told me... big difference from elder Killpack haha who is about 6'5 haha I feel like I am the bodyguard now... but then I found out that before the mission Elder Thacker wrestled in high school, and wants to be a UFC fighter when he gets home, so I feel a little safer now :) A little... :) 

This week as you already know we had our zone conference and me and elder thacker did our workshop about becoming a true disciple of Christ and the motivation behind why we do the things we do as missionaries. it went really well, and the spirit was present, which is the most important thing. 

The assistants gave their workshop with president and sister Allred about the most important thing... Charity. It was a really good workshop and I learned a lot. 
I feel sometimes that I have selective charity haha or in other words... I don't have charity.... I'm looking for it though :) BEfore the mission I felt pretty charitable, but in the mission it is really different... because back home I rarely had to deal with people that didn't want to talk to me or the people that I didn't know... But to love everyone equally is the question. It's super difficult but I feel like the hardest thing before the mission was being charitable with myself... but now it's definitely flip sides haha 

I love the people of Argentina! They are a kind and generous people, but like every nationality have their things. One thing I have learned soo much is their sincerity... They tell you how it is, without fear haha even if they are wrong... but it is helping learn how to love like the Savior loved. It's difficult but something that one of the assistants said was cool. He said" Charity has power over sin" 

I have been studying 1 corinthians 13 about charity and how it helps us avoid sin in our daily lives. Another thought came to my mind is that if we truly forget ourselves we won't have the time to think bad, to speak bad, or to act bad... We will become pure. I love the scriptures in the book of mormon that says we can become pure even as he is pure through charity :) 

After the zone conference we went on splits with Elder Robinson and Elder Mayer both from utah... haha they are characters. we are going to spend P-Day with them today and elder robinson is gonna cut my hair with his cutters haha 

But anyways, splits: 

Elder Rob. and I went to visit Beatrice who is progressing a lot!! She came to church again and is going to be baptized on the 28th :) 
We went to teach her and she was excited to see us haha she said come in come in please! haha but in spanish. we asked her how church was and if she had  questions and she started asking about the book of mormon, about the timeline of the book and when lehi's family left jerusalem and we were able to explain it so that she understood and was satisfied with the answer that we gave her haha. she likes to know everything fact for fact... which is sometimes hard because this is a gospel of Faith and not seeing... but we did both. We helped her see the facts and the need for the BOM and then also helped her feel the spirit and she is going to pray and ask God if it is or not. But She already told us that she believed, and so we are on pretty good track! Then she said, " I want to believe... But is there a way to find out scientifically if it is true or not haha" She asked about Christopher columbus, and where the cities of the nefites and lamanites were located haha I was trying so hard to not be impatient with her... she is like 60. I told her that recently national geographic had just released a special report of having found the exact locations of the book of mormon in guatemala :) The used lasers of some sort to locate them in the forests of guatemala :)

She was happy to hear that but said that she would pray anyways haha We were talking a little bit more about temples with her and she stop and said. "From this moment on... I am going to get baptized!!" Elder Rob looked at me and smiled haha becaused at the start of the lesson with all her questions and doubts it wasn't looking good... 

This was a huge miracle for us, and I know that she will get baptized and feel the joy that comes from living this gospel :) She will make it, but please pray for her :) She needs a lot of prayers as this week will be one year since she lost her son in an accident... But she is super strong, and trusts  in god sooo much!!

God's not Dead, He's surely alive :) God Loves you and is all powerful!! 

Faith moves mountains, but faith is know that at the end of the day... it's God that moves them for us!!  :) 

I love you all so much and am happy to see all of you progressing and happily doing so:)  You're all in my prayers!!!

All of my love, 



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