Week 62

Hey Fam!! :) 

It sounds like it was an awesome week back home! I was happy to hear about the funeral and know that soo many family members were able to attend :) 

And Moroni's quest sounds like it was soooo awesome!!! What a spirit! I felt the spirit just reading your letters and reading the experiences!!

Summer games always seems to go against us haha when we are about to win... what are ya gonna do jaja I never learned to be humble about it when I was at home, but I've learned that all those experiences in soccer and in sports was to help me be more humble haha but I am just starting to realize it now :) haha we are going to play soccer again today :) we'll see how it goes because today is the day of independence of argentina, and so we will be playing with a few members today because no one works...  everyone is kinda salty about argentina losing and so there hasn't been a lot of success street contacting haha but we are seeing other miracles happen everyday which are helping us progress in the work :) It's been really fun and interesting to start a new transfer with elder thacker haha he's a really hard worker, and sometimes I feel like i'm being dragged around, but we are finding a balance in our roles as a companionship, and he is a really powerful missionary. He's helping  me alot and We are going to see more miracles happen here in these next weeks together! 

This week we were able to find 11 new people to teach and were able to commit 4 of them to baptism! And then 2 of them actually came to church! And so we were super excited about this! Camila, Beatrice, and lucas came to church, and camila and beatrice have a baptismal date for the 28th of july :) it is so awesome to have a ward that loves us missionaries and that are soo willing to help us friendship and accompany our people that we are teaching!! An example from yesterday at church, 
Beatrice lost a son about a year ago... and when she got the church a member started talking to her about who she was and her motivation for coming to the church etc. and they kept talking for a bit before sacrament started and she told him that she had lost one of her sons and the other one is in prison... this member testified of the temple, and how once she was baptized that she would be able to enter into the temple to do the work for her son :) She was super happy after this, and we are looking forward to keep teaching her! This member als set up an appointment with her to do a family home evening :) This family is so amazing and are so helpful :)

His name is pablo carrasco :) He opened this area that I'm serving in right now. he. was a the missionary that opened up centenario when he was on his mission.. and he also served in ameghino... just like me, and so we have two of the same areas in our missions. He's a character haha he is like 45 ish nd likes to sing, haha and sings very well. He just got selected to sing on the voice argentina, and when they interviewed him, the first thing he talked about was that he was a member of the church, and that he was sealed in the temple haha soo cool :) And we were able to be in their house when the tv program called him and did the interview, because we were having lunch with them this day. he keeps being a missionary. even after his mission and has a son in brazil serving a mission. 

haha we are in the internet cafe right now and the song "listen to your heart" by roxette is playing haha i'm trying not to pay attention, but I wanted to tell you guys haha they listen to all types of music here haha but almost everyone loves classic rock... it made me think about all the rock me and Dad would always listen to haha I love it :) But anyways... focus.

haha it was such a great week, and God has helped us soooo much, like  he does everyday but sometimes i feel like he just helps us extra haha I don't know. 

We went back to this house to cut our hair and well... we found out that she doesn't actually cut hair but that she is practising haha and so we got a half a hair cut for half price haha but it was awesome because we were able to teach the restoration and the first vision and soo it was an awesome idea to contact someone haha it was definitely a first for me... but I'm super grateful for elder thacker and his way of being a missionary! He's a stud. 

The bishop in our area wanted us to write you guys and say thank you for sending  such wonderful, hard working missionaries to them :) Our bishop is a great man! So much love for the people. He is 38 and has been  bishop for 9 years haha a long time. 

Last story... Yesterday we had ward council, and everyone got there and no one seemed to excited to go over the same list of less active members to try and reactivate them haha but we zipped through all of them kind of redundantly, and then the bishop stopped and said "We are going to change the topic, because we never finish with this list and can never talk about anything else haha" and so he said" I have been thinking about plan for the missionary work in the ward" And so the topic changed and so did the level of excitement! We talked about how we could help the missionaries out, and the members put a goal, to have every active member invite one person every month to listen to the missionaries :) We have 50 active firm members!! That means the goal is 50 referrals every month!!!! They were all super excited, but then the part the most awesome, was that they asked us for help... how do we invite the people, and our neighbors? what should we say and things like that?.. haha it was awesome, and so we are going to do a training this next sunday for the last hour :) to capacitate all the members and youth how to preach the gospel :)!!!! I'm soo excited to help them, all!! And then the bishop gave us the assignment to follow up with every member starting next week :) And so we are going to see the results flourish these next few weeks!!! And then we set goals and plans to achieve our goals! haha and then the bishop's wife said" If we are going to make a plan it needs a name," and so they all looked at us, and I thought for a second and said "50 almas para Cristo" "50 souls for Christ" And they all loved it and are really excited to start working more with us!! I love the members!!!! I haven't always had this attitude but I have repented and understand now!! :) 

Last thing... The family that got Baptized are doing super well!!! They are reading the book of mormon together and are in 1 nefi 15, and are enjoying the weekly visits from the members :) 

I love you all and wish the best for the summer!!! Enjoy it for me... because it is super cold here... haha The other day it almost snowed...

helaman 3:35


-Elder Hubbard



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