Week 51

Hey everyone!!!! How's it going? 

Thank you all for your letters! This week went by soooo fast.... hahah they all go by fast.... the days here are like weeks and the weeks are like days haha But just gotta work the same!!! we had a really good week :)

We had a good rest on P-Day and then it was back to the pavement on tuesday! 

As zone leaders we had the opportunity to prepare a workshop for our zone conference this past week which went really well! We learned alot from the spirit, and from the other workshops that president allred and his wife did. We learned alot about love and charity for the people that we teach. and for our companions and for everyone! 

They showed a video of the whole mission and all the baptisms that have happened since they have been here in the mission. it was like 20 minutes long :) It was super cool to see the converts that I had the opportunity to prepare for their baptisms up on the screen :) it was also really cool to see the reverence of all the missionaries and the spirit that was present while the video was played :)

In our workshop we talked about our teaching style and how we should be teaching to help the investigators feel the spirit when we are in their homes or in the street. we did two practices. the first one was elder killpack teaching me haha I was a golden investigator and wanted to be baptized but he was a missionary that wasn't teaching the way he should have been... Ex. asking for water right before the baptismal commitment, or inviting us to play futbol instead of to come to church on sunday... stuff like that haha  we made it funny so that the missionaries could laugh a little. We felt like this was key because oftentimes things are way too serious...  sister allred was there to and laughed haha We did it in spanish obviously haha and then we changed places and I had to give a good example of how we should be teaching and helping our investigators progress and to help them feel the spirit in the lesson. :) It went really well  and the spirit was strong :) Hermana allred filmed it, and she might have put it on the facebook page of the mission. are you apart of that group on facebook mom? I think it's like mission rosario group... but anyways there's lots of pictures in this group from our conferences. 

We used this abbreviation to help the teaching style :

(L)   A- animar  be excited to help them recognize the light of christ
(O)  M-matar    Kill the excuses that they have when we invite them to church
(V)   A-aplicar   Apply the lesson and blessing to their lives, personalized
(E)   R-regalar  To give them salvation, and not information

We also had the opportunity to do our capilla abierta yesterday and another one on saturday. The one on saturday went super well!! they had about 11 investigators come and visit the chapel and do the tour :) Yesterday we had ours and it started raining just as the activity started... a lot of members were already there to help show the chapel off to the public, but it started to rain and nobody came... but the activity wasn't a lost cause because the members still had a great time, and brought food and mate haha and we all had a good time, and then miraculously when it was time to go.... the members wrote us a referral!!! every single one of them :) it was super cool to see the members help us out sooo much :) They were all smiles, and no one complained about it raining or that no one came...(Rare that no one was complaining haha)  they all just said wow what a great evening that we were able to share as a ward :) and they said the next time it won't rain haha but we'll see if we can reschedule for another day :)
And then after the activity we were going to walk back to the pensh, but the members offered to take us all (The missionaries) back to our apartments.. they are all so awesome and love the missionaries here in centenario ward!!!

That's about all that happened this week... it was great!! we didn't have a whole lot of time to proselyte this week, but this week we are going to hit the pavement running and contacting as many people as we can and we are going to baptize 4 people in may!!!! 

Oh mom my package is going to get sent to me this thursday at interviews with president allred.  haha don't worry it got here alright :) as far as I know!! I'll let you know next p-day! 

Jianna happy birthday tomorrow!!!!!!! I hope that is very special for you!!! 18 years old already!!!! that's crazy haha stop growing up!! you're making me feel old.... I turn 20 this year... and we are going to skype in 3 weeks... crazy how fast time is flying... But I hope that it is wonderful and that you feel special for the wonderful person that you are and are becoming!!! I'm sending a hug and a kiss your way :) HaPpY HaPpY Birthday Nan!! XOXO

I love all you guys soo much!! Have a great week and keep keeping on with life and always remember to keep the commandments of God and to follow His Prophet!! :)

Jacob 3:2
Mosiah 16: 7-9

 Love always, 

Elder Hubbard 


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