Week 35 New Years Roldan

Hola mi querido familia :) 

Wow it's like I haven't talked to you guys since last year.... Haha Just kidding... but actually :) HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!

It sounds like from all your letters that it is very cold right now haha 
But that's okay haha Because the other day it was like 40 degrees here... I would have loved to have snow haha But I'm glad you are all staying warm with the wood stove :) 

This week has been pretty crazy haha We haven't had a lot of time to work and proselyte because we had so many days where we couldn't get out and work because of the partying and parties that were going on haha It wasn't dangerous just crazy :) Then the days that we did get to work almost all of our appoinments fell through and so we had a week of alot of contacting and rejection... but we learned alot from all of it!! And we did find a few people that were interested!!

The other day we had a sade experience with one of our new investigators named lidia, She was a referal from the assistent of the mission and was super prepared when we taught her the first time!!! And we got super excited because she wanted to listen and progress in learning more!! But then we went back for the second visit and she told that she wanted to keep listening to us but that she couldn't because that her family is all catholic and they all got mad at her and threatened to disown her if she kept listening to us... this was really hard... And so we told her to ask God if what we had taught was in fact true or not and that if God answered her than she would have to listen to god and not her family... She took this well and said that she would pray again, and listen to the answer! But we can't pass by her house very often anymore, because her family will get super mad at her, and stuff like that... it was super sad, because just before we left our last appointment with her, she told us that after the storm would pass and that she would come and find the church again :) It was super sad and she was crying... But We are praying for her, and one day she will get baptized for sure one day!!

One new years and christmas there was sooo many fireworks , we could hardly sleep haha it's a wild party here and seems very different to what we are used to in north america... But it was sweet!!
Yesterday we went to Rosario to play soccer again!!! It was super fun but hot!! and my team won almost all the games haha it was super awesome!! We did north americans against latinos and we won 10-6!! I had 5 goals... and I also practiced being goal keeper... now this was fun, but it's also when the other team scored 6 goals haha But it was awesome :) After that we went to the mission home to hanbgout with president and hermana Allred for a while! We ate lunch with them, and talked for a while, and then we went back to Roldan and did laundry haha

I loved getting your letters and hearing about everything that everyone is doing!!! The boys sound like they are a force to be reckoned with on the pitch, and jianna is growing up too fast haha your going to GRADUATE THIS YEAR!!!! that's sooo crazy haha but awesome at the same time :) I'm glad NEW YEARS was fun!! I always enjoyed new years parties and dances :) Here it's a little bit different because everyone is just in the streets partying or lighting off fireworks haha

I'm looking forward to this new year and making goals for myself, and the things that I need to improve  and work on:) 

I invite all of you to do the same, even though I know that you all have probably done it haha You are all soo amazing!!! Keep being that way, and always keep progressing in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!! 

I love this opportunity to serve the lord! It's the most amazing thing I have ever participated in!! I know it's true, and that the Gospel has the power sufficient to change lives and to save lives, we just have to live it and love it more than anything else!!!!

I love you guys soo much, How lucky I am to have a family like you :)

Have a great first week of the new year!!!!!


Elder Joshua Hubbard 


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