Week 92

Hey everybody!

This week was super great!! Elder Fields And I are working hard to meet our goals and this week we were able reach our attendance goal for church and for baptismal dates too, soo that is awesome!!! We had 8 investigators at church of which 7 have a date for their baptism... Of the 7, 5 have a date for before I come home... God is soo good. He really is the master of divine design in our lives, And I only feel grateful for him allowing me to be here in his great work, he is so good. 

The Acosta family had their interviews for baptism on saturday, and will be baptized next sunday at 9 in the morning before church if everything goes well!! Lots of praying!! Tonight we are going to president allred's house with them to have a family home evening which should be the cherry on top of their journey towards baptism!! They came to church yesterday, and then yesterday we passed by with the young men's pres. and his wife who is the relief society pres. and had a powerful lesson about temples, and family history work. They are super excited to be baptized and have grown soo much during this process of conversion before baptism. They also know that it doesn't end at baptism, but it continues until the end :) But they are so ready... it makes me soo happy and I can only imagine how it makes our heavenly father see his lost sheep being found and preserved for him. He knows where each of them are, and their names. 

Our other brother that we are teaching is Roberto, 79 years old and will be having his interview this saturday and will be baptized my last sunday in the mission.... He is super ready and for someone of 79, (which is super old here in argentina) he understands soo well!
We couldn't find him for like a week and a half, which scared us... but we found him, and we asked him where he had gone and he said. "I went to my brother's house where there is air conditioning haha " It's soooo hot here right now, soo humid. The other day we got up to 40 degrees with 97% humidity... It was ridiculous haha I walked outside and almost collapsed haha Lots of water we are needing to drink down here, if not you can't walk, haha forget about fasting water for a whole 24 hours... it's something for sure haha. 

This week an Elder Villar from the presidency of the Area will be speaking with us for the day one thursday, Elder Fields and I are in charge of getting everything set up and figured out... It's a little nerve racking sometimes haha we had to go to a restaurant the other day a make a large order for 60+ people... haha but it was super inexpensive, only like $170 something like that. 
We'll see how it turns out. We don't have to create and present a workshop like usual, but I will be singing haha it's my last zone conference, and so I'll be doing a musical number with a sister missionary. It should turn out well. We are going to do it acapella so I guess we'll see how it turns out. (I need thee every hour) (SeƱor,Te Necesito) 

The zone is on it's way to reach our goal for baptisms... we are trying our best at least, and when we do that we can leave the results up to the Lord, and be happy about what we were able to accomplish with his help!! We have had this month 7 baptisms, and we have about 10 lined up for this next week!! Sooooo Many souls, and their worth is soo very great!!! 

I'm doing good, I'm healthy, happy, and ready to keep working!!! I'm not the least bit trunky....haha 

The time is going fast but it always goes fast, whether one is in the mission or not, and it's also something we can't control, so why worry about it haha Just gotta keep working working working!! I'm sooo happy!!!! I hope everyone has such a very great and wonderful week!!!! Sorry my english is a little weird haha

Love you guys!!!! :) 

Elder Hubbard!!!!!

P.S If theirs anything you want from Argentina, Let me know please before next week!!! :)



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