Week 15 Rosario

a nuevo corbata ( a new tie)

And these mini tortas are making me fat haha 

I converted soccer clubs... River Plate
Querido Familia,

The week was a good one for me :) it flew by really fast. I`m really tired to be honest a lot of work to do, and we are trying to keep up with all of it. I had alot of challenges this week with mental health, my brain is working a million miles a minute and I can`t think straight sometimes, the work is exausting.when I get to P-day I just want to sleep jaja but we do alot for P-day`s... Today we are going to rent a cancha to play futbol with an investigator, I guess we`ll see how well that goes.
Pero eso es la vida de un misionero jaja y es muy bueno!

I`m sorry to hear that there are a bunch of health challenges right now with everybody, health is one of the touchiest things sometimes, in the mission whenever there is a change in the weather(which is every week) everyone gets sick... My companion has alot of allergies, but i don`t know. it`s something in the air or something like that. What are ya gonna do. 

On saturday we had the opportunity to have two service projects. One with a member and the other with an investigator! I love servicios en la verdad porque yo puedo saccar la corbata jaja 

The first servicio, was for the member. He had us dig a trench probably like 70 feet long and two feet deep in a little passage way jaja and it had rained the night before,a muddy mess to say the least... the trench was for the plumbing in the kitchen haha nobody here has money to pay someone to do the construction or maintenence of the house, and so they do it themselves. It`s really quite cool en la verdad. we helped and finished the plumbing in 2 hours or so, and then left for the next service project we were soo muddy that our investigator was having second thoughts about letting us into her house to do the service haha but we cleaned up and then sanded a room 12 by 8, the walls were concrete and we sanded them down with little pieces of sand paper haha it didn`t take to long, but typing this letter my finers still hurt haha 

after the work we watched the joseph smith video completely, and ate lunch with her and her son who is a membor in the stake offices. 
The spirit was super strong in the video!! I love that video so much, about the life of joseph smith and the restauracion de la evangelio! Es hermosa hermosa hermosa! our investigator couldn`t comprehend why people would tar and feather another person, or kill and persecute a religious group or people like us. She was crying, and when the first vision happened she felt the spirit super strong, because she told us, she said mis brasas astan con un temor ( My arms are shaking and tingling) 

We are hoping that she will open up alittle more and accept the invitation to be baptized!!

yesterday after Church we had the interview of S........ , Our investigator that is going to be baptized next week!!!! on Saturday :)
She is 9, and her mom is inactive, but we found her in the sketchy villa favella place in the house of her grandma. They have both been coming to church for the past four weeks, and now the daughter is going to be baptized next week! her Uncle is going to Baptize her. 
 A huge Blessing of the lord!! 
Baptisms are gifts from the Lord! We have been working really hard to progress this area, and now we are going to see more fruits of our labours, it`s a spiritual satisfaction that is un-measurable. 

I sure love ya Momma, I hope that this next week is better for you and the rest of the family! :) 

This gospel is true and has the potenial to change even the most fallen of personas, I know this is true! 
I Love this opportunity to serve, and to grow individually,and to develope these Christ like attributes everyday! 

Ether 12:37 Incredible scripture. 

The lord loves you all, I love you all.
The gospel is true, and Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the light.
Let us follow in the truth, way and light of Christ!

Remember that we don`t have challenges... Only opportunities. 

With my Love and Prayers

-Elder Hubbard



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