Week 88 Flight Plans

Hey Everybody!! 
Thanks for the update on life! It sounds like every one is busy busy busy. 
Soccer, Basketball, School, work. The new program come follow me, it sounds like it is going well. I'm excited to participate more with that also.

This week was great as Always, Lots of walking and talking, knocking and stalking... haha Sometimes I feel like we are stalking the people haha trying to guess when they will be home (Using the spirit) calling them all the time...
We clapped alot of doors this week. probably like 40 a day almost... and then alot of people in the street. We are trying to find in a newer part of the area, and are experimenting a little bit in our contacts. We Were able to find 4 new people who want to hear the gospel this week and they have potential. Now we just have to explode their potential so that it doesn't stay as potential but that so they can grow to reach their potential!
Thursday we had interviews with president and It went super well, we were able to as a companionship talk to the other elders in our zone and help them with whatever difficulty that they were having, we were sincere and loving, and trying to follow the spirit in everything. Sometimes it's hard, but I'm trying to sharpen my ear for it.
With president Allred, we talked about how to help our people connect themselves with the heavens, by praying and excercizing faith in The Savior. We also talked about my goals and plans... Still working on all of that. But I have to put plans and goals for 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years... I haven't been very good at this so far, but have been fasting and praying to receive guidance. If you guys have any ideas that would be helpful in making goals for after... it's a bittersweet feeling, And I'm struggling a little bit... today arrived my flight plans
(I forwarded them to you mom) 
But with all of that said I still have 7 weeks to serve the lord full time, and I am not going to waste a single moment. I love this Gospel, and I love the service of which I am a part right now. I plan on serving forever even after, because it's a part of me now.
This week on sunday it rained haha and it rained it alot! We were walking to church and my umbrella had just broken... haha it's kinda funny how it broke... me and my comp were walking to lunch, and we were in an apartment building of a guetto, and it was raining a ton, and my comp asked me if I'd bought the umbrella in argentina or if I brought it from home. And I said that it was from home... and that it had also taken a trip to japan, and had lasted janae's mission too, and then I said that it was gonna last me my whole mission too... haha poor choice of words... I slipt at this second, and tripped up the stairs and my umbrella was open because of the rain, and one of the arms snapped... haha My comp looked at me, and then I started to laugh, because of the irony, but anyways... not sure if i want to buy another one, don't know if it's worth it or not but whatever. But because of the rain it was a lonely sunday as our families being taught couldn't make it to church... but it's ok because next week they are gonna make it.
The one family we were able to teach again this last week, and they showed a lot of interest in baptism, and we taught the restoration, the spirit was very strong and I was emotional as we testified.
and they said that if they receive the answer that they will be baptized the 17th of february is our goal for them.
This week was tough, but it was very peaceful, and filled with the spirit, Although we didn't see the success that we might have liked. I know that God has a plan, and that All the trials and test are for our benefit and spiritual growth. There is no miracle, that is for free. We need to act in faith. I am trying more and more to follow the steps of our Savior Jesus Christ, and I love serving him. It's the most important thing I do and have ever done.
The gospel is true, I know it for myself, and know that families are forever through the power of the Priesthood in the temple.
I love you guys! _Have a great week!!
Elder Hubbard

P.S Hey let me know if you guys want anything cool from argentina! (Jameson Jarom: Soccer jerseys etc... there's a ton here) 


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