Week 82 Response to news of Grampa Al's Passing
Elder Hubbard said: "My watch finally saw its last day...the face still works though...just the strap is broken.
Pictures of an Asado and Alexis and his whole family
This weeks letter was written in Spanish but the google translation follows:
Bueno... realmente no sé que decir... fue un golpe grande al escuchar que Mi Abuelo Hubbard falleció... Siempre voy a recordar un hombre que dio todo lo que tenia en cada cosa que tenia que hacer. A mi me enseñó muchas cosas, y estoy siempre agradecido por la vida que vivió y por su fuerza y humildad ante el señor. Aun cuando hemos descarriado del camino del Señor Dios nos llama y nos invite a volver, y abuelo Al es fue un ejemplo verdadero del arrepentimiento sincero y de amor hacia su familia. le voy a recordar por sus varias talentos que tenia incluso como atleta y guitarrista, pero mas por ser un buen esposo, padre, y abuelo y un ejemplo para todos de nunca hay que rendirse o bajar los brazos.
Amo mi Abuelo Alan! Es/era un pariente muy querido, y al fallecer lo tengo muy cerca de mi corazón y alma y sé que él y mi Abuela Tessa están juntos y que me están cuidando de los cielos. siento triste... pero sé que voy a tratar aun mas para ayudar las personas aquí en argentina a conocer sus salvador para que ellos tengan la misma paz que yo tengo ahora en este momento de tristeza... yo siento una paz y la fortaleza de mi Salvador Jesucristo ahora mismo y se que hay muchas personas mas que necesitan esta paz y conocimiento para ser mas felices y tranquilos.
Yo les Mando todo mi Apoyo, Cariño, y Amor.
Buscan el consuelo que viene al seguir Jesús y sus mandamientos y mediante la oración. Hay mucho consuelo en la Oración! :)
Estoy bien, trabajando, tratando hacer mi mejor por mi padre celestial y sé que mi familia puede ser eterna si hacemos todas las cosas que tenemos que hacer para vivir digno de este bendición celestial. Les amo, y estoy animado para seguir aprendiendo de mi Padre celestial... él tiene muchas cosas que quiere que aprenda mientras este aquí yo.
Perdon que esta carta esta en Español....... no me sentía ganas a escribir en ingles...
Les cuento el resto de esta semana el lunes que viene.
brazos y besos
Les amo mucho
Elder Hubbard
Well ... I really do not know what to say ... it was a big blow to hear that My Grandfather Hubbard passed away ... I will always remember a man who gave everything he had in everything he had to do. He taught me many things, and I am always grateful for the life he lived and for his strength and humility before the Lord. Even when we have strayed from the way of the Lord, God calls us and invites us to return, and grandfather Al was a true example of sincere repentance and love towards his family. I will remember him for his various talents that I had even as an athlete and guitarist, but more for being a good husband, father, and grandfather and an example for all of you never have to surrender or lower your arms. I love my Grandpa Alan! He is a very dear relative, and when I pass away I have him very close to my heart and soul and I know that he and my Grandmother Tessa are together and that they are taking care of me from the heavens. I feel sad ... but I know I will try even more to help the people here in Argentina to know their savior so that they have the same peace that I have now in this moment of sadness ... I feel a peace and strength from my Savior Jesus Christ right now and I know that there are many more people who need this peace and knowledge to be happier and calmer. I send them all my support, affection, and love.They seek the comfort that comes from following Jesus and his commandments and through prayer. There is much consolation in Prayer! :) I am well, working, trying to do my best for my heavenly father and I know that my family can be eternal if we do all the things we have to do to live worthy of this heavenly blessing. I love you, and I am encouraged to continue learning from my Heavenly Father ... he has many things that he wants me to learn while I am here. Sorry this letter is in Spanish ....... I did not feel like writing in English ...I tell you the rest of this week next Monday. Arms and kisses. I love them much, XOXOXOXOXooxx
Elder Hubbard
Letter he sent to his parents:
Lots of Love, Joshua
Letter he sent to his parents:
I love you guys soo much!!!! I wrote the letter in
spanish... I didn't know how to express myself in english very well... josh
will have to translate probably. but I want to let you all know that I knew
that this was coming.... I don't know how, but I really did have a thought that
it was the last time that I was going to say goodbye to Grandpa Al before
the mission and many time on the mission... I feel sadness, but the holy ghost
is trying hard to take it away from me... I don't like it.... I feel better
when I cry, but the spirit didn't really let me this time... just a second or
two when I was reading your letters!! But My comps Grandma has cancer, and so
I'm gonna put on a brave face too... Don't want to worry him. I love you all
and really do feel at peace with my savior :)
I have to go now.... Tell Dad that I love him and that I'm
praying for everyone, and that I can feel the watchful presence of grandma
Tess, and I know that Grandpa will also be watching over us.
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