Week 76

Hola mi familia, :) <3 

This week was great! passed by super duper fast, and the temperature is increasing as we are now in the middle of spring here haha we are at 33 degrees today with 40% humidity not too bad :) I'm just waiting for summer and the days of 45 degrees... it's gonna be a hot summer! 

But we are really seeing a lot of miracles in our sector and in the peoples hearts. We are seeing lots of new people being prepared to be taught and baptized here in pergamino. 

But first I wanted to say that I was sad to here about the accident... I know each of those boys and they're all good kids. They'll be in my prayers and their families as well. Our town does not need any more accidents...I'm glad that they are progressing.  Send all the families my love and prayers. 

This week we focused a lot on finding more people to teach, and we are trying to learn and practise how to find the elect of our Heavenly Father. We are being more direct with everyone and showing more love at the same time. we are seeing results and  we were able to find 8 new investigatores this week, and we talked and said we need to keep finding lots, but that we need to help each of them progress and give everyone the same chance to follow Jesus Christ. 
We can't let anyone slip through the cracks... It's hard to manage a teaching pool of like 40 people... But we are going to focus on filtering and being more efficient. We are feeling the spirit in the work and we are trying our best to do all these things in the way that The Savior would. 

I've been kinda sick lately... have a bad cold because of the climate change and I lost my voice the other day... I'm feeling a little better today but still a little under the weather. Not letting it get in the way of the work. I feel the strength of the lord everyday, and am more excited than ever to be here and to find, teach and invite all to come unto Christ. 

This last sunday we were able to have 2 investigaters in the church and they enjoyed it, and said they would return the next week, we had like 9 of our investigaters tell us that they were gonna go, but only two of them showed up. Macarena y josefina :) They are awesome! Still trying to get Macarena Married but her husband who is a member doesn't want to... frustrating sometimes. But anyways. All in the Lords time and Place. He Knows perfectly. 

We were walking down a dusty road the other day next to a villa and elder Christiansen contacted two ladies walking the other direction and they stopped and I knew from when I saw them that they were Jehovah's Witnesses... hahaha I chuckled to myself as Elder C. Contacted them because I was expecting them to try and convert us as they usually do... but they were patient with us and us with them ;) And I had a actual question for them about why they don't allow blood transfusions... I was just curious and wanted to know for when the other people asked or talk bad about them... the people here are not very united in the topic of religion, but it's just like anywhere in the world... but it was nice to talk to them and to listen to them and have them listen to us. We didn't arrive to the same conclusion obviously, but it was a good experience. 

The next day we had another encounter with a JW but this time I wanted to know a few more things about their organization and beliefs... it got a little heated and I didn't feel good about it, and so we told her thanks and wished her a good day. but some of things she said were super sad for me... about their doctrine and beliefs... Like how she doesn't want to live in heaven with god, but here on earth forever, and a few other things... at the end of it all she said "Maybe after talking to me you received another thought or answer to what God wants you to do..." And said " who knows, maybe one day you'll be a JW" .. I wasn't gonna let that fly... And so I said "with all respect I don't think so, because the Spirit has given me the answer that God's Church has been restored today in the world and that it is guided for a prophet of God, and that no matter how much knowledge that they had of the bible they would never know the truth until they prayed and asked of God for an answer..."  And anyways... I didn't feel super good about the encounter but mostly because they wouldn't  listen, even If I wasn't trying to contend against them... I don't know. Dad, Nae, Jared, Lys. You guys have any tips for helping this religion listen?? If you do it'd be greatly welcomed. haha 

But anyways we had a few other finding encounters that really were miracles but I'll just share one. 

We had scheduled a service project with a contact in the street. a  young man of like 18 years, who is constructing his house and needed some help. we said we'd be there, but do to another thing that came up we arrived late... he was just starting to finished the part that he wanted to do when we got there, and we apologized for arriving late, and he was chill about it, but told us to come back tomorrow to help. Before we left his boss who is his neighbor came out and asked how the construction was coming along haha and then saw us and asked us who we were. he talked a bit about God, and how he'd listened to almost every church in pergamino but never that of the Church Of Jesus Christ, and so without asking him for an appointment he looked at us and said. "Hey, I would like to listen to you message this weekend when I am home" He's single and is like 40 ish... he's from Peru named Ezekiel like the Bible. He seemed really interested and so we are excited to talk to him next week!!! 

That's about all that happened with a few other things but for the sake of time... 
This is all I will put, but...

This Church, The Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is True. It bears his name, and within it's walls and sacred walls we can feel the Holy Spirit testify of it's truth, and as we read and pray about the holy Scriptures we will receive an answer. 
I love the mission, and I love my Savior, and am thankful for him and his Atonement for me. I believe him, and I believe in him. I invite you all to do the same. All things in Christ!!

Love always, 


Elder Hubbard


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