Week 7 Rosario Farewell to President and Sister Zanni

The field of Rosario Central Futbol Club, it was sooo sweet and only cost like 6 dollars Canadian... haha it was a cool experience.

Standing where the corner flags go.

Hola mi familia mejores :) Como leva?

En realidad, este semana fue muy bueno, pero muy difícil también... por algunas rezones...

ahora mio ingles es no bueno, porque yo tengo hablar en castellano cada dia y en cada momento, porque mi campanero no entender ingles... but my spanish is getting better faster haha but I am losing my ability to speak in english honestly...   e s muy dificìl  a escribir en  ingles ahora. por eso lo siento... 

This week has been super tough but has been good too... My nuevo companero es de Brazil, we get along well enough but I can definitely tell he was spoiled as a kid haha because he is very picky and wants everything his way haha but  he`s nice enough. It`s been difficult because I am the one that knows the way around our area and he has no idea, and he is supposed be  the trainer. He`s a good missionary in a lot of ways but I think I`m going to have to learn patience for him haha He`s 20 years old, and has 10 months left in his mission. I will probably have him as a companion for like 12 weeks more or less, but I don`t know in reality. It`s been good for our area though also, to  have a new missionary, because elder Curtis was here for 4 and a half months. and some of his investigators kinda just turned into friends after a while, but with Elder França he`s very direct with our investigators which is very good, and he is very persistent with our investigators who are kinda  doubtful haha overall it has been a good experience for mi, but I don`t know if I could handle another companion  from Brazil... they are a very different people... haha It`ll be great and we are going to baptize and have a lot of success  together with the spirit of the lord on our side and the perseverance to move the work forward in Arroyito Rosario. :) It`s been a good week! 

This last Saturday We got the opportunidad to go to the chapel in San Martìn with all the zones in Rosario, and be with presidente Zanni and his familia for the ultima time... What a day... what an experiencia... I have never felt so much love from persons who weren`t my own Parents as I did on Saturday with them. Wow Presidente Zanni and his wife Hermana Zanni are Amazing people!! I only  got to have them for 2 months of my mission, But I am almost Positive that I  was called to this mission because of Presidente Zanni. When I was with him, and his Wife on Saturday i couldn`t stop feeling the spirit... it was incredible, unlike anything I have felt before. My whole body was encompassed in a spirit of love and belonging,  and I was soooooo happy!! 
We got to the chapel around 9 in the morning and had training for those elder`s that were in leadership positions, Elder França is a district lider and so we went too. We had good discussions about questions the different elders had, and it was a very spiritual meeting. 
After this we went into the cultural hall and it was huge, it was like two of the tom Karren and  I`m not joking haha We played a fun game with chairs which is hard to explain because the game was in Castellano haha but it was super fun and we played it for a couple hours.
It involved the country that you were from, since i am the only elder in our mission from Canada My name got used alot haha it was alot of fun!! Presidente and Hermana Zanni Played too! There is a palabra in Castellano that almost sounds the same as my last name, and presidente Zanni, would say it all the time to be funny haha He has a very similar sense of humour as the Hubbard side of our family haha
The word is Haber haha which means ¨to have¨ haha but everyone says it before they are about to say a sentence, it`s like when we say the word ¨like¨it`s a filler word haha , he`d say Haber hubbard haber hubbard haha 

After the games we Ate Pizza and Empenadas for lunch, and wrote letters for Presidente and Hermana Zanni. And had a talent show haha There was`t a guitar so I could play anything, and I am kinda sick so I wouldn`t have been able to sing anything either... but it was cool to see the other elders and hermana`s perform haha This one Elder could balance those huge rectangle church tables on his chin and walk around it was crazy!! Elder Curtis did a back flip on the ground and  like four elders in a row rapped haha I was sitting and Presidente came and sat by me and started to talk to me too, it was sweet!! He`s super funny haha 

After this we had a questions and answers period of the meeting for 3-4 hours more or less and everyone wrote questions. Alot of the questions were very spiritual, and others were funny haha but they were all very good and the meeting was very nice!
Then around 7 it was time to say goodbye... this was the most spiritual part of the whole thing... Everyone was balling their eyes out... and the spirit was soooooo strong unlike anything I had ever experienced, The Zanni familia wrote us each letters and passed them out to us, and then we sang the Zanni`s favorite hymn in spanish for them. It doesn`t exist in the English hymn book. and then before they left they went around and hugged all 90 of us individually and talked to us for 20 seconds more or less. Presidente told me again like he did when we first met that I look and remind him of his son Santiago who is serving his mission is Lisbon Portugal right now, and how proud he was of me, how much my savior loves me, and then he looked me in the eyes and said how much he loved me... and then hugged me again :) 
He told me that my Castellano  was really good too haha but I don`t know about that... Then it was Hermana Zanni`s turn after her Husband, and She gave me a big hug, and told me that I have sooo much potential to be a great missionary and that I have an amazing capacity to love people, I thanked her for her testimony, and her love, and we were both crying... well everyone was crying... I shook their Daughters hands haha Then As they were Leaving we all started to sing ¨Para siempre dios este con vos¨ God be with you till we meet again. 
Super spiritual and everyone had a hard time singing it because of their tears but it was a beautiful experience. Hermana paused at the door and blew us all a kiss haha I am going to miss them aton... As they were leaving I got the impression from the spirit that I  came to this mission because God knew that i needed to have Presidente Zanni as my presidente. It was amazing. 
I learned soo much from both of the Zanni`s. From Presidente I learned the importance of obedience and of trusting in the spirit. I learned the importance of loving the people from Hermana Zanni who`s heart is bigger than she is!!

All in all a great week and I  am excited to see what this next one will bring :) 

Thanks for all your emails and for being amazing people and my family  :) XOXOX

I love you all so much and I love this Gospel with all my heart!! 

Alma 17:23 

Elder Hubbard


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