
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 92

Hey everybody! This week was super great!! Elder Fields And I are working hard to meet our goals and this week we were able reach our attendance goal for church and for baptismal dates too, soo that is awesome!!! We had 8 investigators at church of which 7 have a date for their baptism... Of the 7, 5 have a date for before I come home... God is soo good. He really is the master of divine design in our lives, And I only feel grateful for him allowing me to be here in his great work, he is so good.  The Acosta family had their interviews for baptism on saturday, and will be baptized next sunday at 9 in the morning before church if everything goes well!! Lots of praying!! Tonight we are going to president allred's house with them to have a family home evening which should be the cherry on top of their journey towards baptism!! They came to church yesterday, and then yesterday we passed by with the young men's pres. and his wife who is the relief society pres. and had a pow...

Week 91

Hey, everyone :) This week was awesome saw some really cool miracles happen and a lot of tender mercies in the work.  The family of 4 came to church!!!!!!!!! and they are cruising towards their baptism! They understand so much and have felt the spirit testify of the truthfulness of the gospel! They watched the joseph smith movie, and they loved it. They all thought it was super sad... but they all felt the spirit. one of the girls in the family milagros 13, said that when she was watching it, that all the time she just felt more and more that she needs to be baptized :) she is only 13 but understands the spirit super well, and she is so integrated with the young woman in the ward! SO great! So that was good news, There was also a little bit of sad news too... a Brother in the ward passed away from kidney failure... he was from chile, but had lived in argentina for 40 years looking for a better life. he passed away saturday and we went to the idk what you call it......