
Showing posts from June, 2017

Week 8 Rosario Mission

New Haircut...(starting to look like his fellow countrymen) Holas Mi Madre, Padre, y mi Hermanos :)    Te Amo Mucho!! This week has been a good one!!  I am A UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fa!!! This made my week already!! haha ahhh Mim! She is amazingly Perfect!! I am soo excited por navidad so I can meet her!! :)  You are all soo lucky!! haha Ah I`m soo glad that everything went well C-section aside... But I am glad That both Lys and My Niece Minnie are safe and Healthy!!  I started crying when I saw the pictures of her!!! absolutely perfect! haha I don`t know what else to say!! Jared and Lys! You guys made one adorable little girl :)  even from 14000 km away I love her!!  K grande, Fa! K Bueno!  You guys all sound like you all had great week, and that the life is moving forward muy rapido! I apologize for my English, I am honestly having a hard time writ...

Week 7 Rosario Farewell to President and Sister Zanni

The field of Rosario Central Futbol Club, it was sooo sweet and only cost like 6 dollars Canadian... haha it was a cool experience. Standing where the corner flags go. Hola mi familia mejores :) Como leva? En realidad, este semana fue muy bueno, pero muy difícil también... por algunas rezones... ahora mio ingles es no bueno, porque yo tengo hablar en castellano cada dia y en cada momento, porque mi campanero no entender ingles... but my spanish is getting better faster haha but I am losing my ability to speak in english honestly...   e s muy dificìl  a escribir en  ingles ahora. por eso lo siento...  This week has been super tough but has been good too... My nuevo companero es de Brazil, we get along well enough but I can definitely tell he was spoiled as a kid haha because he is very picky and wants everything his way haha but  he`s nice enough. It`s been difficult because I am the one that knows the way around our area and he has no...

Week 6 in Rosario

Bittersweet goodbye as companions! I am not sure what all this is, but can imagine...from some of his letters. Elder Hubbard's new companion, Elder Franca, from Sao Paulo Brazil. He doesn't speak English :) Elder Hubbard is still in Rosario :) New Companion, Elder Franca Soccer Stadium Hola mi Madre y mi Padre y Mi Familia!! :)  This week has been a rollercoaster for mi haha We found out this past saturday that Elder Curtis would be transferred to a different part of the city and become a zone lider there. It was sad for me... because I knew I would be getting another trainer the following monday... that`s why I didn`t write yesterday haha  I didn`t want another one honestly... haha but I`ll talk about that a little later in the letter.  This last weekend the chico that said he would be baptized changed his mind... and said that he didn`t anymore. what luck. so now we are back at ground zero wit...

Week 5 in Rosario

Dear mother,  I love you :) It sounds like life is still moving haha That`s awesome!! Thank you for giving me an update on Tate, he wrote me a letter last week and I responded  back! He`ll make it :)  I`m glad Karlyn is well, I haven`t had the time to email her yet but I will sometime :) time management is crazy... And about the bank haha it has to be a visa debit card with a 4 digit pin to work down here I guess... Thank you for trying to work it out :) Dad said that it was hot the other day!! 31  degrees!! Que Loco!! haha it`s the first of June! it`s shouldn`t be that warm yet!  That`s good though for the garden and stuff! :) I can`t believe i`m saying this, but I kinda miss the garden haha but actually. Garden`s are so important, when I get home... when I get home I am going to take the garden more seriously than I have before. One thing that is different here in Argentina is that the people don`t really eat vegetables... haha I`m ...