Week 21 Rosario (The lame could walk)

I had to use my rain coat alot this week so I thought I should grab a pic haha These are likes donuts, but a million times better!!!! facturas :) two of the boys in our ward they are both 10 haha and super funny ( Matias and Yorel) hola mi querido family, It sounds like all is well with all of you and that life is going great!! Wow the little boys sound crazy in the football haha I wish I could watch them play... but in 2 years haha, or in a year and a half now becvause I recently had my 6 month birthday!!! 6 MÓNTHS... Crazy, ity`s going by fast! :I I don`t know how I feel about it... but it`s not really important the time. the important thing is that there is work to be done in this time. And we are going to go and do it :) This past week we was a good one! :) We have continued to use only the Book of Mormon when we are contacting, and we are finding the results of this with alot of people that we have talked to in the street and in t...