Week 4 in Rosario Mission
Hola Mi familia! This week has been a good one for mi, and it sounds like it`s been a really good week for the family back home! This Week Not a lot happened to be honest, but it was a great week for some of our investigators and their progression, as well as finding new people to teach :) At the start of this last week we visited a lady named Nora. Nora is from Peru and is probably like in her late 50`s more or less, she went to church once when she lived in Peru but only went once with a friend and it was along time ago, so she didn`t really remember anything about it. So anyways this was our 4 lesson with her, and we were talking about the doctrine of christ. Fe, Arrepentimiento, Bautismo, el don del espiritu santo, and persiverar hasta el fin, and when we were done explaining these things she told us outright that she wasn`t going to be baptized in our church haha she is very direct. It didn`t phase us because we get told that 20 times a da...